SOPS| was founded in 2003 by our first General Eclipse, before long he had recruited a second in command Hunter and together they led |SOPS| for some time. In 2004 the clan Temporarily fell apart but before long it had reformed and was going alright.
In February 2006 Eclipse left |SOPS| and within a week Errlloyd had been recruited, before long he was an officer in a newly reformed and chopped down |SOPS|. As the clan grew throughout the first half of 2006 most of |SOPS|'s current members were recruited, including Ecko and Shadowdemon who both established themselves as CL's
In June 2006 Hunter left |SOPS| and quit MOH:AA and the clan split in two, Evil-Hero assumed control and Lloyd got promoted to second clan leader. By October Evil-Hero had got |SOPS| to its best, but resigned as CL and left it too Lloyd and Shadow.
Since then |SOPS| has been a stable, active clan made up of mates who play MOH:AA for fun. In April 2007 Ecko was made into |SOPS|'s third Clan Leader.
In July |SOPS| changed there server host to dedicated box and now host 4 very large MOH:AA servers and 1 CSS server.
Mid August 2007, Shadowdemon decided to leave |SOPS| and start playing COD:2, Since then ErrLloyd and Ecko have been in charge of |SOPS| and the clan has been growing more and more everyday.
(Rabbit, 30. 9. 2009 19:56)